  • 品味生活Lifestyle杂志广告/杂志2019较新广告电话及报价



杂志介绍 品味生活Lifestyle杂志广告/杂志2019较新广告电话及报价


设计 Design
Space centers around architecture, interior design and interior decoration, providing in-depth talks with famous architects and designers to get behind the greatest minds in design.
特辑 Feature
Every month, the Feature section provides readers with hot topics in the high-end sectors of the world, to help you get a grasp on the latest news from verywhere and seek out the latest in luxury lifestyle.

Our readership is as well-curated as the content in the magazine. They may sit in China's key metropolises, but they display a global state of mind, being influenced by current affairs from London, New York, Tokyo and Paris. The pages of LifeStyle make them feel connected to the design, hospitality, culture, and most interesting personalities of China and the world. In fields ranging from public service, finance, to media, our readers are less defined by their jet-setting luxury lifestyle and wealth than by their taste for quality and their hunger for smart media offering fresh, stimulating content.
LifeStyle distribution list is highly targeted in CBDs and business office areas of big cities like Beijing, Shanghai,Guangzhou and Shenzhen, because our targeted readers emphasize privacy and personalization. However, within and around these upscale office buildings, we offer extensive display. In addition, given the selection of distribution points, the pass on rate exceeds two. The focus of LifeStyle distribution channels is a specific type of reader that has real purchasing power, travel regularly and experience the best restaurants, spas and hotels. The magazine is available at exclusive venues such as five-star hotels and serviced apartments, golf courses, high-end restaurants, and membership clubs throughout the country.

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